How to Buy a Home in a Hot Sellers Market

Buying a new home can be a daunting task, especially when inventory is limited and there is a lot of demand. We have a few ideas to help break this down for you. The best thing you can do is find a partner in crime to help you navigate the marketplace. And who better than a dedicated, full-time Buyer Agent? These hard-working professionals are your best resource for accurate, timely market information, and so much more. The full-time Buyer Agents at Suzanne & Company have been hitting the pavement hard and grinding out competitive offers for their clients.

Here are some of our key reasons all buyers should work with a Buyer Agent:

  1. It’s free. That’s right. There is ZERO cost to you to work with a real estate professional who’s sole job is to help you find your dream property. And in case you didn’t read it the first time - it’s really 100% free.

  2. Buyer Agents work only for buyers, not for sellers, so they are always representing the buyers’ best interests. They’re not trying to sell you a house; they serve as your consultant and advisor, helping you find the best property for your needs and budget. They partner with you to strategize and manage expectations, keeping you grounded when emotions take hold. properties can be time-consuming, and Buyer Agents often have the resources and ability to check them out for you.

  3. They have access to properties as soon as they are on the market, and sometimes know about them even sooner! We know it’s frustrating when you see a house online that looks perfect, only to find out that it already has an accepted offer. Your Buyer Agent can help you avoid this disappointment.

  4. All Suzanne & Company Buyer Agents work full-time in their role. They’ve built established relationships and rapport with the area’s Listing Agents and know the local area inside and out. These factors enable them to guide you to the right neighborhood and community and present competitive offers.

  5. Buyer Agents have a huge network of support and resources. From a dedicated Transaction Coordinator to other team members to step in if they have a scheduling conflict, your Buyer Agent will always have you covered. They have access to an extended network of top-notch agents and fabulous technology tools through Compass. And once you’ve moved in, they’ll happily share vendor recommendations for any projects that arise.

  6. Your Buyer Agent can go the extra mile to get you into your dream neighborhood or community. It’s not uncommon for our team to knock on doors, send letters, canvas the neighbors and work through our network of contacts to find people who are toying with the idea of selling, but just need the nudge to proceed.

Buying a home has a huge impact on your life, from your lifestyle and commute to the friends your kids meet on the playground. If you are contemplating making this considerable investment of time and money, put yourself in the best position to succeed with a Buyer Agent. Ask people who live in the area for referrals and interview more than one to ensure you have a good rapport. Take the time to find the person who feels right to you. If you would like to schedule a consultation with one of the buyer's specialists on the team at Suzanne & Company, please give us a call at 781-275-2156.


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