Meet Nile! Founder of North River Builders

On a breezy June day, Suzanne sat down with Nile Ziemba of North River Builders to gain some insight into his meticulous restoration of 18 North Road, now known as The Beech House as an homage to the iconic beech tree on the property. The tree is of such importance to Nile that he designed a beautiful garden to surround it and has placed benches in the garden where visitors can admire its beauty while they enjoy their ice cream from Bedford Farms next door (PSA: the garden is still on private property, so please be respectful and help preserve the tree!).

Admiring his ability to bring a falling-down 1889 Victorian (mixed with other styles) back to life, we learned more about Nile’s passion for restoration & custom projects and the importance of communication & technology in the way he runs his business. Over their 20-year history, Nile and his 15-person team have cultivated relationships with clients who value performance building and emphasize the longevity and sustainability of their living environment over the simple esthetics. Their in-house design team often partners with architects and maintains open and honest dialogues between vendors and clients regarding project updates, such as design considerations, fluctuating commodity pricing or product availability.

Through his diverse background that includes exhibit design & installation, Nile learned the importance of adhering to timelines and meeting deadlines. His best advice to keep projects on task and moving forward is to invest in technology and systems that work for your team.

Listen to Suzanne’s full interview with Nile for more insights into what makes him unique, as well as current trends he’s seeing with his clientele. Don’t miss their conversation around the projects that can provide your biggest return on investment, especially when done in thoughtful partnership with the experts!

North River Builders
20 North Road
Bedford, MA 01730
Office: 978-341-0341


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