Holiday House Tour: Front Steps Edition Take 2
Have you heard?
We are bringing back our outdoor version of the Holiday House Tour! Join us for the Holiday House Tour: Front Steps Edition (Take 2) on Sunday, December 12!
Get ready to bundle up and make your way around Bedford to enjoy some of the best displays in town. Last year was so much fun that we had to bring back the COVID-friendly version of this annual tradition, hoping to make it even better!
We’re partnering with the Bedford Chamber of Commerce to get more people involved and excited. Even more importantly, we will again be donating all proceeds to Bedford families in need. We’re working with the schools, police department, fire department & town officials to discreetly distribute the funds directly to families in our community, brightening the holiday season for them.
Horse-drawn carriage rides return!
Thanks to our friends at Revise, we are thrilled to announce that the horse-drawn carriage rides are back! They’ll be making their way around one of Bedford’s neighborhoods from 3-5pm.
Santa is coming!
Make your way to the winter wonderland at 90 Great Road for snow, elves and…you guessed it…SANTA! He will be waiting on our front porch from 4-7pm to hear your wishlist. You’ll even get a keepsake photo from our professional photographer.
NOTE: As of Wednesday, December 8, Santa visits are full. Please email us if you’d like to be added to the waiting list.
Reindeer scavenger hunt round 3!
Custom-built wooden reindeer return for 2021. They’ll be strategically placed at homes on the tour. Make note of where they’re located, email us the addresses and you could win a prize!
But we need your help!
Our map is full as are the Santa visits, but we’d love to send you the map!
*Donation amount is at your discretion. It was heartwarming to see our community’s generosity with donation amounts in 2020!
Please send donations via Venmo to @suzandco90 (last 4 digits are 8-2-5-4) and include the email address to send your map.