Another Holiday House Tour SUCCESS!
We raised over $4,000 - thanks to you!
Oh, what fun it is! Every year the Holiday House Tour grows. This year we spent not only one day but three days spreading holiday cheer (thanks Mother Nature). However, the feedback was so encouraging that it might evolve into a new tradition of hosting the interior tours on a different day. We were so thrilled that so many wanted the interior tours back and were even more thrilled that so many hosts opened their doors to you! A special thank you to all the generous hosts! Plans are already in motion for next year's festivities!
So where does all that money raised go? We work closely with people in Bedford who are aware of those in need during the holiday season. Thanks to you, we provided an incredible donation to the elementary schools for their Winter Support Program. If you are unaware; that program is run by administrators and guidance. They provide families with basic needs through the winter - coats, boots, mittens etc. In addition, we were able to help 7 families in town - through a grassroots campaign of finding out who needed some funds this holiday. Thanks so much to those of you who reached out to us to ask for support for those in town who may otherwise not ask for it. Between the house tour maps, Santa visits, carriage rides and reindeer auction we were able to raise over $4k!
Our Holiday House Tour preparation began long before December 15th. Which makes it so fun to see all the hard work come together and create Christmas miracles in our community. A special thanks to everyone who accommodated our date changes due to inclement weather. We are immensely grateful for the success of this event and look forward to continuing this cherished tradition.
Special shout-out to our sponsor elvesβ¦
REVISE Energy for sponsoring the horse-drawn carriage rides
Chip-In Farm for giving dozens of eggs away to our House Tour Visitors
Bedford Florist for providing generous gift cards to the indoor house tour scavenger hunt winners!
Learning Express for providing generous gift cards to the reindeer scavenger hunt winners!
Bedford Farms for providing a generous gift card to one of the reindeer scavenger hunt winners!
George Bissias from Movement Mortgage for providing the Regency Brass Band